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« Préjudice d’anxiété » : quand la justice attise (encore) l’angoisse sur le chlordécone

CHRONIQUE. Mi-mars, la cour administrative d'appel de Paris juge que l'Etat a commis des fautes en accordant des autorisations de vente d'insecticides a base de chlordecone.

A Paris appeals court ruled on March 11, 2025, that the French state was at fault for allowing the sale and prolonged use of the insecticide chlordecone, failing to assess and address the related pollution, and inform the affected population. The state is now liable for damages. The article discusses how this ruling reignites anxiety surrounding chlordecone, a dangerous insecticide used in banana plantations, especially in the French Antilles, and belatedly banned in France in 1993.

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